“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – Dalai Lama
We work with a number of trusted partners in Nepal who have asked us to help them achieve their goals or expand their programs.
Our philosophy is simply to assist schools, children’s homes and other non-profits with what they tell us they need. We do not impose our will or our “solutions” on them because we know that they are in the best position to evaluate what they need. However, we do offer volunteers with professional experience and programs that have worked for others and let them decide if they wish to implement them.
For every project, whether it’s a school, an orphanage, or any other placement, you can help in a number of ways.
You can volunteer your time, send a monetary donation, send a package with needed items to a school or orphanage, or sponsor a rural child so that they can go to school.
Positions Available At: